A Solo Retrospective -’Drawing with Light’

A Solo Retrospective -’Drawing with Light’

A Solo Retrospective -’Drawing with Light’

A Solo Retrospective -’Drawing with Light’



‘People & their lives in the Fellfoot Area’

The Club received  funding from Fellfoot Forward Landscape Partnership Scheme, led by the North Pennines National Landscape and funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund & Scotmid Community Fund   to run a project based on ‘People & their lives in the Fellfoot Area’.  We met with 14 different people, families and groups living, working and socialising in the area,  to record their stories and take photographs of them and their  current lives - from which  we compiled a book and a digital presentation which was shared with the people who were involved and others from the local community at a Presentation in Lazonby Village Hall at the beginnign of September. Feedback included the commnet that the  “ Club had created a piece of history”.

 Copies of the Book :  

available for £12.50 per copy from: info@edenvalleycmeraclub.co.uk & at the Community Cafe at Lazonby Village Hall on  Saturday 15th February 2025 - when The Club  will have an audio visual display of members’ photos as well as copies of the book & 2025 calendar - from 10am-12.30pm -------------------

2025  Eden Valley Camera Club Calendar:

Available  for the reduced price of £5 each from: info@edenvalleycameraclub.co.uk

&  at the  above event. OR BUY The BOOK & Calendar together for £16


EVCC was in ‘Join the Club’ section of Amateur Photography magazine -       

week begining 2nd March 2019 - if you missed this edition, you can download

the article here: ‘Join the Club in AP magazine’


News © Ut duis incididunt ex officia commodo 2005 -2012
    Eden Valley Camera Club